With a Master’s in Information Security degree, jobs can be found in practically every industry. Information security professionals work to prevent, identify, and recover loss from unintentional or malicious infiltration of digital systems and online environments. A graduate degree in the field is often the first step in beginning an exciting career in information security.
Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Information Security
A graduate degree is often the preferred education qualification for candidates for information security positions. Common courses in this program include information security fundamentals, advanced algorithm design, data networking, operating systems, intrusion detection, encryption, ethical issues in information security, auditing, and digital forensic investigative techniques. Some Master’s degree programs also allow for students to specialize in the management or technical side of the field.
In addition to gaining knowledge through coursework, students in a graduate program for information security also accumulate valuable skills to transfer into the workforce. Students are able to build skills in leadership, communication, decision making, problem solving, and the skills specifically needed for various types of careers within the information security field. Additional information on the top skills required for information systems careers can be reviewed at the Information Systems Security Association website.
Information Security Analyst Careers
A number of jobs in the information security field are for professionals who have advanced knowledge and skill in analysis and research. Positions that fall into this category require for students to be able to identify potential threats and develop response and recovery plans for breaches or potential breaches in information security systems. Some of the positions in this category include information security analyst, incident response specialist, malware analyst, intrusion analyst, and security analyst.
Related Resource: Master’s in Information Assurance
Forensic and Investigation Careers in Information Security
When forensics is applied to a field, it refers to the gathering and collection of information. In information security, forensic specialists will perform a number of tasks, including basic information retrieval, event and path reconstruction, and processes used in digital illegal activity. Additional required skills might include interviewing techniques and giving testimony in a legal setting. Some of the possible career positions in this category include forensic analyst, information security forensics expert, and computer crime investigator.
Positions in Building and Improving Network Security and Administration
Information security architects, system penetration examiners, network engineers, and vulnerability researchers must incorporate all of the knowledge gained in graduate coursework, intimate knowledge of an organization’s computer systems, and experience in order to identify the potential for any threat to a system. In addition, professionals in these positions manage tasks such as setting protocol, improving security systems, creating user policies, monitoring protocols, and developing countermeasures.
Management and Executive Positions
Another benefit of a master’s degree is the potential for pursuing management positions. Although not required, many positions will require a graduate degree. Examples of management positions in information security include director of security, technical director, information security manager, risk manager, chief information security officer.
With the increasing reliance of society on computers and computer systems, the opportunities for skilled information security professionals is expected to continue to grow. For candidates holding a Master’s degree in information security, jobs in every industry from health care to manufacturing to government and law enforcement will be possibilities.